Monday, February 16, 2009

Simplicity or Simpledum!

Ok seen as I have titled this thing insight of a geordie mind thought after a long weekend I would let you in on some of the thoughts that idly rolled through my mind whilst blocking out the insistent chatting of parental units.

Scene setting: I was wandering along a random road down near London Bridge having passed the delights that are the Thames and activities around the area. Breathe taking sight especially on a night-time.

So I was thinking about this supposed North/South divide being a foreigner in the capital of course one of the many. Maybe it is not the North/South divide your told of, or imagine, especially when mingling on the other side. Maybe these prejudices only exist in the confines of your own home county. Well the exception to that rule being mackems and geordies where rivalry is rife anywhere in the country or world. Anyway I digress, as I wandered my thoughts swung towards the idea of home and how some perceive the Northern of us as simple, slow folk and it got me to thinking. Perhaps it isn’t the derogatory sense of such a label, but… the label itself is true.

I was enjoying the simple beauty of the capital in its reality, atmosphere and architecture. The slowing of ones daily pace to actually absorb what London has to offer as opposed to running through life at ridiculous speed and missing the joys along the way allowed a bit of thought clarity. I was thinking this idea of the ‘simple elements’ and how maybe it is easier for an outsider or a Geordie, used to a slower place of life, to enjoy the elements that make up the bigger picture.

Some may see London as grubby, busy and fast-paced. I myself enjoyed in this moment the fresh salty Thames air, the hustle and bustle of people out and about enjoying the multitude of activities on offer. The ability to sit outside and enjoy a refreshing beer in a heated area next to the Thames and watch the skyline fall into the random and differential buildings erected during London’s long history was a simple pleasure. All this is possible everywhere it is taking the time to enjoy similar surroundings whilst not having icicles form on the end of your nose.

Maybe us simple Geordies can break down the big and enjoy the simpler elements of London life by stepping back and taking a breath and truly seeing the little things that make up life and love in general as well as London. So maybe or maybe not we are a little simpler but surely this is not a bad thing?


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