Saturday, February 28, 2009

Friends we know!

I have a lot of mates but not so many friends. I used to think I had a lot maybe I was naive, maybe certain things in my past lead to the alienation of some I don't know. I was starting to think, as I do tend to over-think, about what makes friendship? What makes this bond with a person which leads you to divulge your deepest darkest secrets? Does this require, so called 'best friend' status? Which annoys me in the fact that to be the best is a singular status but yet most of us have multiple best friends all suitable for different circumstances?

When you meet new people is it those you find of a similar age? Is those predetermined by society norms who fit into your category, that you choose like brands or products? Ever see a stranger on the street and think we could be mint friends? Or is it simply when seeing/meeting strangers we automatically assume the basic instinct of sexual attraction? Is there an element of this in selecting friends, if you do actually choose? Are we only friends of pretty people, or people in our own ‘band’? I am first to admit I totally prejudge people and make assumptions instantaneously based on looks, similarly to what I do with my choice of restaurant, supermarket, bar or clothes. That doesn’t mean this assumption and initial analysis of that thing doesn’t change, more often than not it does, but not everything gets given that chance.

Anyway I digress, my original thought was this idea of what exactly is the glue binding our connections? Is it the fact we live in close proximity and have been thrown together so we make the best of what we have got? Is it personality and taste we might go for, similar to the choice of a boyfriend or girlfriend? Is it reflection of ourselves in that person and the ability to turn to them for a certain activity? Is the ability to keep up with our drinking pace and not be a lightweight or a liver destroyer?

I am sure we all have friends for life. I have friends I have grown up with and stayed truly in touch with along the way even though our paths have often lead in different directions. Others have either been lost along the way or simply shut out for one reason or another. Those who are my friends I couldn't tell you why they are. Is it how long we have known each other, is it the fact we 'get along'? Is that we enjoy similar things? Or is it just random selection which has kept us together through thick and thin?

All these questions are random and pointless, similar to that of who once thought hmmm my potatoes are bland I will try sprinkling this thing from the sea on them and use this acidic liquid to see what happens. But wouldn't you like to know? Or is it just me?


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