Monday, February 16, 2009

Just me thinking out loud.

Okay it is a random Monday evening but I am going to be a bit deep and contemplative. Hey maybe it is coz after a long day I enjoyed drinks and tea with a mate or maybe I am just in that frame of mind to think.

The topic of the day is Happiness and Contentness? What exactly makes up this state of europhria. I am not niave I know it is very dependent on the individual and situation. BUT for example my housemate is from Australia and she was planning to go back home sometime this year but has now met a guy. I have yet to ask her about this but question is will this change her plans? Sorry maybe not will this meeting of a boy change things but what about this would change things should she choose to stay? We have these dreams and expectations of our life and how we want things to go but we also have short-term expecations and goals such as how long we will stay in a job or in a place. What is it that makes us change these short-term almost obsolute but life chaning descisions?

Which in my mind automatically leads to this concept of happiness and contentness. Surely most people's aims in life are to achieve such feelings. Therefore what do we judge these on? If we put a scale down of 1-5 choices what would be our criteria? Is it the person we are with or just happen to meet that changes our plans? Is it our job? Is it this is that. Obviosuly each persons motivations are different but surely there is some universal average as some matheticians will no doubt tell me should I actually choose to research my questions (this is not likely, I am a little fickle).

My view is that maybe there is not one thing that defines happiness but the accumulation of little things such as the sunshining on a potentially shit day which brightens your mood and makes you smile and therefore look up when your walking instead of looking at the floor and catch the eye of a passer by. Ok that might make me sound like a hopeless romantic, maybe I am but we will not tell anyone this. What we will disclose is that I am a big believer in fate. I reckon the one thing which defines happiness which is consequently the main cause of unhappiness is a search for this one thing the big change which leads to an endless pursuit and missing of the small things that make up such a state and why sometimes I can ask myself if I am happy and retort with my own split personality when talking things through in my head and answer to be honest I am not sure.

Just me thinking out loud.

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