Saturday, February 28, 2009

Friends we know!

I have a lot of mates but not so many friends. I used to think I had a lot maybe I was naive, maybe certain things in my past lead to the alienation of some I don't know. I was starting to think, as I do tend to over-think, about what makes friendship? What makes this bond with a person which leads you to divulge your deepest darkest secrets? Does this require, so called 'best friend' status? Which annoys me in the fact that to be the best is a singular status but yet most of us have multiple best friends all suitable for different circumstances?

When you meet new people is it those you find of a similar age? Is those predetermined by society norms who fit into your category, that you choose like brands or products? Ever see a stranger on the street and think we could be mint friends? Or is it simply when seeing/meeting strangers we automatically assume the basic instinct of sexual attraction? Is there an element of this in selecting friends, if you do actually choose? Are we only friends of pretty people, or people in our own ‘band’? I am first to admit I totally prejudge people and make assumptions instantaneously based on looks, similarly to what I do with my choice of restaurant, supermarket, bar or clothes. That doesn’t mean this assumption and initial analysis of that thing doesn’t change, more often than not it does, but not everything gets given that chance.

Anyway I digress, my original thought was this idea of what exactly is the glue binding our connections? Is it the fact we live in close proximity and have been thrown together so we make the best of what we have got? Is it personality and taste we might go for, similar to the choice of a boyfriend or girlfriend? Is it reflection of ourselves in that person and the ability to turn to them for a certain activity? Is the ability to keep up with our drinking pace and not be a lightweight or a liver destroyer?

I am sure we all have friends for life. I have friends I have grown up with and stayed truly in touch with along the way even though our paths have often lead in different directions. Others have either been lost along the way or simply shut out for one reason or another. Those who are my friends I couldn't tell you why they are. Is it how long we have known each other, is it the fact we 'get along'? Is that we enjoy similar things? Or is it just random selection which has kept us together through thick and thin?

All these questions are random and pointless, similar to that of who once thought hmmm my potatoes are bland I will try sprinkling this thing from the sea on them and use this acidic liquid to see what happens. But wouldn't you like to know? Or is it just me?


Friday, February 27, 2009

Reading into the not getting of Facebook & Twitter

I read a blog today talking about people who don’t understand social media platforms and their potential. The main message to be extracted from the entire article/blog was this idea of ‘ambient awareness’. The meaning of such a label was the idea and concept of being in close proximity to someone and picking up on their thoughts, moods and behaviours.

This made me think about the connection between the need for brands to project a message continually to its audience in a manner of ways, over a progressive period, to develop a relationship with their audience.

This links to the age old idea of cognitive processing, i.e. how we absorb information and assimilate this into meaning, leading to memory schemas which collect and store brand information, images and perceptions. Much like we do about our friends on a day-to-day basis, learning their traits and habits.

This becomes even more relevant in today’s media environment. The article discusses this idea of collecting posted information (on Facebook, Twitter etc) together, over time, bringing little snippets into a surprisingly sophisticated portrait of your friends and family members.

This paradox of ambient awareness is such a relevant concept in todays development of social media and its use. Reading one individual twitter post or status update is irrelevant, mundane and insignificant - take for example reading a strangers update, one entry means nothing, it is simply babble. However, following the entries throughout a day becomes intriguing, almost like a short story or window into their world. Follow them for a week and it may lead to an insight and connection never expected from this original insignificant entry. This repetition and continuous message exposure can lead to the development of a more comprehensive picture and allows an educated view to be created of that person/brand from which you make judgements and decisions, to further develop intelligent strategies moving forward.

When comparing these data types, such as a brand image, product/service information or simple social updates, we often lose the point or message when looking at information individually without a context or repetition. It therefore becomes increasingly important to understand and embrace the overlap of approaches to social media usage and the basics of advertising principles. Maybe it is because of the industry I am in or the interest I have in the subject, but I still find it difficult to understand how people really don’t ‘get’ the importance of social media and the information it can bring.

Tapping into these little snippets of information and the way in which people express themselves using social media, can become invaluable in relationship building between friends, but also consumers and their brand. We are much more likely to develop perceptions and judgements when we are fed up-to-date information in a way we find intriguing and almost something we kind of feel privileged to have access to. It is not necessarily the message which is the only differentiator but the way in which is portrayed and updated.

Is there more of a need for transparency in both approach and execution, to achieve a deeper level of understanding on both sides of the fence? What I mean by such a statement/question is as we inform our friends of different stages we go through to get to the end of the day, do we, as brands, need to inform people of the development stages of a campaign or identity to truly create interactive engagement?

Moving back-to-basics? The opportunities and plethora of different media strategies and options, marketing strategies, creative messages and tools, creates a clutter which often leads to a loss of simple elements of success i.e. targeting/talking to people at the right time, in the right place, with the right message.

Behavioural targeting is the direction in which we are evolving, which so closely links to what I talked about above. This idea of gathering as much information as possible on each individual in order to group and segment them, which allows us to reach them with the best message through right channel - oh simple! There is a phenomenal amount of research and analysis on behaviours, attitudes and all the elements that make up people. However the simple task of obtaining this information direct from the source (through social media) is often overlooked.

The simple update of Eve is ‘checking her emails’. Obsolete, of no relevance… however take this into account when looking over the course of the updates, which may have ‘gmail is down and Eve is pissed off’, and now you know what email account I have, and when I’m checking my email. Where am I likely to be? Was my last update ‘Eve is on lunch’? What messages am I exposed to? I am also obviously on Facebook at this time, but what have I done on Facebook? Uploaded photos? Wrote on a friend’s wall? Created a group?

Ok then the update changes to ‘I am back to work for the afternoon’. So it’s likely I spend my lunch time on the internet, and if you check these over the week, you have an insight into my key behaviour - when I have time to browse web pages, consume brands and most importantly, you have a channel through which to target your message at me. How many people see it like this? I know it isn’t as simple as all that but you understand what I am getting at right?

Let’s go back to direct marketing and the euphoric scenario of being able to send one message to one person, a relevant message at the right time. Ok in reality I know this is very far stretched, and a lot further down the line, but in the meantime surely this information and way in which we update and collect information, on small insignificant details provides, over time, quite a rich data source which will allow the closer segmentation of groups to directly target and provide more effective communication and strategy?

Monday, February 23, 2009

All worldly and cultured

Ok so I have had a busy weekend which is ultimately lead to me being sick today but in retrospect, it was well worth it.

Lets start with this long running thought I had about me being all open, worldly and cultured but now I think, maybe not. BUT I now think that it is ok not to be in every instance. What started such contemplation in my head, which I won't lie caused a bit of brain pain was a trip to the Tate Modern on Saturday. Don't get me wrong I love art. I find reflection in it, I find stimulation of thought it in but lets face it the most important thing is that it looks pretty. Or so I thought, wandering this expansive and somewhat confusing fucking million floor building I didn't find myself overly stimulated. What I did find myself appreciating was the view out of the window onto the Thames and the idea of feeling all cultured and arty when walking or should I stumbling with sore feet around the gallery.

Some of the artwork was amazing really caught my eye. But majority did not. I think the 80/20 rule would apply here. Maybe it was because I wasn't in the right frame of mind or maybe it was because I was feeling tired and slightly hung-over from Friday’s excursions OR maybe I’m just making excuses but I found myself thinking along the lines of my loveable but slightly intolerant and less cultured Father. One love I did find in there was a box or at least the frame of a box which I want to put in my room with a cushion as a thinking box. Slightly disturbing I know but is what I wanted in my dehydrated slightly more cultured haze.

In more clarity I found myself thinking I claim to enjoy such artistic freedom and creativity but looking at these random shapes of steel or a big canvas painted all black? (like I couldn't do that and sell it for 000's of pounds) I thought what the fuck is this? I know I am so uncouth but hey it is how I felt. Maybe this is ok as I enjoy such things as walking along the Thames or the theatre. I went to see Avenue Q the same evening which I will no doubt write about in a separate blog, but as a very brief summary, impressive, hilarious and better than I expected. Maybe the fact I liked ridiculously sarcastic, hilarious totally foulmouthed puppets says a lot about my character? But there is always room for improvement :).

So Tate modern? For the uncultured of us? For the hung-over of us? For the pretenders of us... who knows? Make your own mind up time!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Just me thinking out loud.

Okay it is a random Monday evening but I am going to be a bit deep and contemplative. Hey maybe it is coz after a long day I enjoyed drinks and tea with a mate or maybe I am just in that frame of mind to think.

The topic of the day is Happiness and Contentness? What exactly makes up this state of europhria. I am not niave I know it is very dependent on the individual and situation. BUT for example my housemate is from Australia and she was planning to go back home sometime this year but has now met a guy. I have yet to ask her about this but question is will this change her plans? Sorry maybe not will this meeting of a boy change things but what about this would change things should she choose to stay? We have these dreams and expectations of our life and how we want things to go but we also have short-term expecations and goals such as how long we will stay in a job or in a place. What is it that makes us change these short-term almost obsolute but life chaning descisions?

Which in my mind automatically leads to this concept of happiness and contentness. Surely most people's aims in life are to achieve such feelings. Therefore what do we judge these on? If we put a scale down of 1-5 choices what would be our criteria? Is it the person we are with or just happen to meet that changes our plans? Is it our job? Is it this is that. Obviosuly each persons motivations are different but surely there is some universal average as some matheticians will no doubt tell me should I actually choose to research my questions (this is not likely, I am a little fickle).

My view is that maybe there is not one thing that defines happiness but the accumulation of little things such as the sunshining on a potentially shit day which brightens your mood and makes you smile and therefore look up when your walking instead of looking at the floor and catch the eye of a passer by. Ok that might make me sound like a hopeless romantic, maybe I am but we will not tell anyone this. What we will disclose is that I am a big believer in fate. I reckon the one thing which defines happiness which is consequently the main cause of unhappiness is a search for this one thing the big change which leads to an endless pursuit and missing of the small things that make up such a state and why sometimes I can ask myself if I am happy and retort with my own split personality when talking things through in my head and answer to be honest I am not sure.

Just me thinking out loud.

Simplicity or Simpledum!

Ok seen as I have titled this thing insight of a geordie mind thought after a long weekend I would let you in on some of the thoughts that idly rolled through my mind whilst blocking out the insistent chatting of parental units.

Scene setting: I was wandering along a random road down near London Bridge having passed the delights that are the Thames and activities around the area. Breathe taking sight especially on a night-time.

So I was thinking about this supposed North/South divide being a foreigner in the capital of course one of the many. Maybe it is not the North/South divide your told of, or imagine, especially when mingling on the other side. Maybe these prejudices only exist in the confines of your own home county. Well the exception to that rule being mackems and geordies where rivalry is rife anywhere in the country or world. Anyway I digress, as I wandered my thoughts swung towards the idea of home and how some perceive the Northern of us as simple, slow folk and it got me to thinking. Perhaps it isn’t the derogatory sense of such a label, but… the label itself is true.

I was enjoying the simple beauty of the capital in its reality, atmosphere and architecture. The slowing of ones daily pace to actually absorb what London has to offer as opposed to running through life at ridiculous speed and missing the joys along the way allowed a bit of thought clarity. I was thinking this idea of the ‘simple elements’ and how maybe it is easier for an outsider or a Geordie, used to a slower place of life, to enjoy the elements that make up the bigger picture.

Some may see London as grubby, busy and fast-paced. I myself enjoyed in this moment the fresh salty Thames air, the hustle and bustle of people out and about enjoying the multitude of activities on offer. The ability to sit outside and enjoy a refreshing beer in a heated area next to the Thames and watch the skyline fall into the random and differential buildings erected during London’s long history was a simple pleasure. All this is possible everywhere it is taking the time to enjoy similar surroundings whilst not having icicles form on the end of your nose.

Maybe us simple Geordies can break down the big and enjoy the simpler elements of London life by stepping back and taking a breath and truly seeing the little things that make up life and love in general as well as London. So maybe or maybe not we are a little simpler but surely this is not a bad thing?


Friday, February 13, 2009

Don't expect too much

Okay this is my third blog of the day but don't be expecting this all the time. Thought as I am just learning I would whack down a bit about what I'm up to and give you a bit of 'insight' into the life of a geordie girl. Oh my puns are amazing.

I now live in London having moved to work in advertising. Not this door to door selling or leafleting shit actually in an agency. I am still trying to find my feet and feel pretty overwhelmed and out of my depth most of the time but we'll not tell the big bosses this in the current climate. May not be the best career move ever. I am pretty as normal as can be considered normal. I like a lot of random stuff and may not be what you think If you were ever to meet me.

Enough now. Won't give too much away and loose the need to write about the insight.

Will be back!



I want to pose the question about valentine gifts. Do us girls love them or sometimes if this is from a supposed not so secret admirer is it cringeworthy?

For example a boy who shall not be named sent me flowers at work today. I am not ungrateful and do enjoy feeling a little bit special on this potentially depressing time of the year for a singleton such as myself. I should mention said boy also works in my office and is not subtle in his advances. As much as I am not sure if I like this boy I don't dislike him. However the sweetness of the gesture was majorily outweighed by the fact the flowers arrived in front of all my colleagues and immediatley raised questions and debates.

It may just be me but I found it all a bit embarasing and felt my face glow into a red beacon and my grin and silly girly laugh starting to emerge in the time of uncomfortableness. The gift itself is great but from potential admirers/future boyfriends can the inital gift giving and romancing be a bit uncomfortable for some of us, or is it just me?

Starting Again

Today is Friday 13th unlucky for those superstitious folk who allow themselves to become so paranoid it effects their behaviour.

For me today is a long day of dehydration and sleepiness. Saw the Script last night in Camden. Very good band amazing vocals and music but a bit limited with their crowd interaction. Of course this could be due to my slight intoxication or the fact the lead guy spoke with a mind boggling thick Irish accent. Definitely worth seeing even if you don't know much about them. The tunes will not disappoint.

A weekend in London is ahead with the stimulation and excitement of the city at my beckon call. The problem with London can often be the sheer amount of activities available to you becomes overwhelming and inevitably leads to minimal activity through lack of being able to make a decision. The beauty of London is not in the overcrowded tourist attractions although Leicester square still creates a buzz which resonates from the pit of my stomach. The true beauty of London to an outsider such as myself is hidden away in the nook and crannies. The random side streets holding and almost hiding a wealth of culture, creativity in its simplest and purest form.

I have found/heard of a few of London's less well known 'hidden gems' and intend to frequent these more and write about them. This weekend is playing host to a parental visit which can often instantly create a dreaded fear and scurry to clean up the mess of everyday living and build a pretence of domestic goddess status. That was all completed in the last few days. Tonight is the time for a few drinks to ease into the arrival and weekend of no doubt arguments, laughs, difficult/awkward conversations and some random tales to bring to the office on Monday morning.

I will update on the activities and thought provoking events of the weekend upon my return to normality.

btw i'm Eve.