Saturday, August 1, 2009

Just an update

Sitting on the train to Newcastle on the way home for the weekend and not thinking about too much. Pretty tired after a work night out last night to establish our local pub. We have an initiative at the minute to further develop the social integration of our office which to be honest isn't as shocking as I thought. Sometimes I guess in the advertising world people are in a certain area based on their personality which creates a collection of a very different set of people when you put us all together, from creatives, to account handler to planners it becomes quite a clash of emotions, prides, egos and personalities in general.

Anyway never mind that, a good night was had by most and it will be interesting to see the voting results as they come out. Lot of scope to do some cool stuff with these guys, and they are a good bunch even though I wouldn't tell most of them.

What have I been up to recently? I have been to Venice and France both of which are amazing. I think I personally prefer Venice because it is warn in. It is lived in a little shabby in parts but has a past. Where as Paris was unreal, like a backdrop kind of views but was almost too perfect and clean. I mean come on I am Geordie now living in London, I expect Pigeons, beggers, sick, kebab leftovers none of which I saw in either place so when somewhere is too perfect it doesn't have the reality feel which after a while can become a bit too much.

I am looking to live abroad in a few different places over the course of my life to really get a feel for the world and myself and the different ways of life. As much as I would like to live in Paris I think it would get a bit too much, however living in Venice I think could be a great place, the warmth you get just walking into the place, the river the nature the beauty is overwhelming at times. The food is also good not too foof for me like the french food and I have to tell you the bread was good. French bread was better though I have never ate so many carbs in my life as I did in France it was not good.

However France I want to concentrate in a seperate blog as the adventures I had there are worthy of their own dedicated time.

Nothing to really stimulate your lives with in this post just wanted to give you a bit of an update.

I will be writing about France soon. Maybe even try and post some pictures up.

Thinking outloud once again.

Geordie in London x

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